3 fashion tips to express your beautiful self this summer


Fashion tips Giving fashion tips is not something I do a lot in this blog, and you may ask "What does my style has to do with my personal development?" , well as I discovered lately, A LOT more than you think !

Why this topic is so close to my heart at the moment ?

Because in the last few months when I envisioned the best version of myself during my meditations, a picture came up often in my mind where I was always wearing beautiful colorful dresses and accessories and this idea brought me so much joy!  The image wasn't clear, it wasn't connected to the fact of being stylish or trendy or fashionable but it simply felt like an important part of my self-expression.

And this whole idea shifted my own perception of style and beauty in general. 

What was my perception so far?

Honestly when I think about myself in last few years, at high school or university I've never felt someone super passionate about fashion and even less make-up and all the things correlated to beauty. I thought it was a superficial matter and I was all for what's inside and not outside.

I remember in my early teeneage years I felt so strongly about wearing little or no make-up because I wanted people to love me for who I really was and not a mask I was putting on my face in the morning. And this was emphasized even more by the fact that I grew up in a country and environement where being stylish and perfectly pulled together is one of the most important things for a woman, and honestly I didn't share this view so much!

It felt like a limitation in my freedom to put so much effort in the way I dressed and looked. For me it was coming from a place of fear, fear of being judged, fear of being considered less cool, less wealthy, less good looking than others.

That's actually one of the reasons I enjoyed so much travelling to other countries where fashion rules didn't seem so strict and each person was dressing up as they wanted, it simply felt so amazing and free, an expression of your personality and mood .

But recently my perspective on fashion has shifted completely and I discovered that there is another way to look at style and beauty.....

FASHION TIP NUMBER 1 : Dress from a place of LOVE

After spending most of this last year in leggings and comfy clothes since I was spending lots of my time in the yoga studio or studying for my exams at uni and working on my laptop without the need of a dress code, I've started to feel a bit sluggish and when the weather started to get nicer and spring was approaching , I've experienced a big pull toward my aesthetics.

I've started to collect images, ideas, pinterest boards ( have a look at my Pinterest board with my inspirations for the summer here ) on what I wanted to be my spring style. It was colorful, flowery,  hippie chic and damn fun! For the first time ever I got interested in curating more carefully my own style and I even started to follow some make-up videos on Youtube which is something I would have never done before in my life because I found it so boring !!

By looking at style from a place of love, I've understood that you can express the best version of yourself through the way you look and take care of your style, and it's not at all for the sake of pleasing people or creating a good reputation, it's purely from a place of overflow and self-expression.


FASHION TIP NUMBER 2 : Do it for your self-care and to boost your confidence

Dressing from a place of love gives you a desire to look beautiful and pulled together for yourself and because it makes you feel confident and it's much more fun that wearing random clothes everyday.

It can become a beautiful part of your self-care practice in the morning, to enhance your natural beauty and share it with the world.

Your style is how you show up to the world in the same way as the way you show up with your words, your energy and your daily actions. 

So notice when you get dressed in the morning if you're doing it for your partner, parents, colleagues or for your own pleasure!


FASHION TIP NUMBER 3 : Have fun with it

This new vision was incredibly powerful for me and now I see why people can have so much fun with fashion , and when they're not attached to using it as a status quo and a limitation of who they are, but more as an expansion of themselves!

When I shifted my perspective I truly discover how much fun you can have with it, what an exciting game can be and how much freedom can bring to your daily life.


Now it's your turn, what are your thoughts on fashion and style? I'm curious to know , where to you get your inspiration from and how much fun do you have with your style!

With love and light,
